Hex Colour Picker

Hex colour picker

Here's a little tool that you can play with to get more familiar with the RGB model and the HEX code. It will also help you find the right hex code for your website's colour scheme. You simply use the buttons to produce nice text/background colour, copy the hex code below and apply it to your CSS.

Tip: if you keep the mouse button down on some of the buttons it will speed up the changes being made to the colour values (no need to click on them too many times).

Play with the hex code and RGB values!

To run the tool click here.

How it works:

button button button increases the intensity of each colour (Red, Green, Blue) in the active element (text, background or both)
button button button decreases the intensity of each colour in the active element
button changes active element to black;
button changes active element to 50% gray;
button changes active element to white;
button chooses active element between text, background or both
button Chooses between long format (ff ff ff: 16.7 mln colours), short format (fff: 4.096 colours) and web safe values (216 colours)
button Brightens the active element
button Darkens the active element
button Increases colour saturation
button Changes the active element into corresponding shade of gray
button Decreases the contrast between elements' colours
button Inrcreases the contrast between elements' colours
button Swaps the elements' colours
button Inverts the colour of the active element
button button button
button button button Changes the active element's colour into corresponding shade of Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta or Yellow
button Resets all the settings
button Closes the tool's window.

Copyright note

The JavaScript code used here can be freely copied and modified. If it does not work in your browser, please let me know what browser you use and in what way the script fails.

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